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For more than 50 years, State Theatre Company South Australia has commissioned, performed and toured theatrical productions of new and existing, classic and contemporary, Australian and international work.

Our work is possible only through the incredibly generous support of our donors. By donating to State Theatre Company South Australia, you’re helping us to produce new Australian work, support emerging and established artists, and reach thousands of young people across South Australia each year.

Here’s how you can support State Theatre Company South Australia:

All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. We thank all our donors for their incredible generosity and support.

For all donation enquiries, including any updates to your acknowledgement preference, please contact our development team at 8415 5333 or donate@statetheatrecompany.com.au

Join a Donor Group

You can play a starring role with State Theatre Company South Australia by directly supporting specific areas of interest through our three dedicated giving circles – the Commissioning Collective, Dramatic Women, Major Production Fund and the State Educate Collective. These donor groups are vital in the commissioning of new works, supporting women in theatre, and providing young people with access to theatre through our Education Program. Please find out more below.

Commissioning Collective

Our Commissioning Collective provides an opportunity to nurture new, emerging and established writers, artists, directors, designers and technical crew, and commission original plays and new adaptations for South Australian audiences. Learn more about the history of the Commissioning Collective here.

In 2024, the Commissioning Collective supports The Questions by Van Badham and Richard Wise.

You can become a member or renew your membership online here.

Dramatic Women

Since 2002, a fabulous group of inspiring women have supported State Theatre Company South Australia. Over the past 20+ years, Dramatic Women have collectively supported outstanding artists and helped bring great theatrical works to the stage.

In 2024, Dramatic Women supports Julia by Joanna Murray-Smith.

You can become a member or renew your membership online here.

Major Production Fund

In 2024, the Company will establish a Major Production Fund seeking contributions to allow us to continue to invest in large-scale, large-cast productions. Anchored around a major gift from one or more Fund Patrons, the Company aims to match those major gifts through other donations from a syndicate of Fund Supporters. We understand our audience wants us to aspire to greatness and deliver large-scale productions, and this Fund will substantially aid that cause.

In 2024 the Major Production Fund will support Jack Maggs by Samuel Adamson, based on the novel by Peter Carey.

To become a member of this donor group, please call our Development team on 8415 5333 or email development@statetheatrecompany.com.au

State Educate Collective

Our education program, State Educate, is one of the country’s most successful, providing more than 11,500 young people, school students and high school teachers annually with the opportunity to experience outstanding live theatre, hear their stories on stage, and actively participate in workshops and work experience.

State Educate includes daytime performances specifically for high school students, and a Q&A with the cast, as well as all sorts of workshops for both students and teachers. Donors to this collective support the making of our annual Education Show and delivery of the State Educate program.

In 2024, the State Educate Collective supports Symphonie of the Bicycle by Hew Parham.

You can become a member or renew your membership online here.

Leave a gift in your Will

A gift in your Will to State Theatre Company South Australia leaves a legacy for futures generations of theatre lovers – preserving a world of imagination and storytelling for audiences to enjoy for years to come.

Your bequest helps nurture the Company’s mission and leaves a lasting impact on the creative and artistic life of our wonderful city and state. Not only will a bequest help us plan for the future with confidence, it may also allow you to plan for the kind of gift you are unable to make during your lifetime. Unless otherwise stipulated, your gift will be invested in our General Endowment Fund, making a lasting contribution that will support State Theatre Company South Australia in perpetuity.

You can learn more by reading our Heirloom Bequest Program brochure.

If you’re planning to leave a gift in your Will to State Theatre Company South Australia, or would like to learn more, you can contact us confidentially.

Call 8415 5333 or email kristy@statetheatrecompany.com.au.