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Visiting Our Venues & Accessibility Information

For more information about our Access program, visit our Access page.

Wheelchair and Mobility access

People with wheelchairs or who have other mobility access needs can attend any State Theatre Company South Australia performances.

How to Book

For wheelchair/mobility access bookings please call us on 08 8415 5353 or email tickets@statetheatrecompany.com.au.

Please indicate your mobility access requirements when making your booking.

Getting to our Venues

For all performances in the Adelaide Festival Centre, see Access Services here for full information regarding seating and accessing the venue.

Adelaide Festival Centre parking and drop off information

The new Festival Plaza Carpark is open.

The Adelaide Festival Centre website is now updated with information about the new car park. Click here for more information.

However, for patrons visiting the Space Theatre and the Dunstan Playhouse, we recommend parking at the Convention Centre Riverbank Car Park (enter by turning left into Festival Drive from King William Road or Montefiore Road). Park near the eastern-most lift and take the lift to the promenade level for a short, flat walk to the Drama Centre.

Public Transport
The Adelaide Festival Centre is located next to King William Street and is a short walk from North Terrace. It is easily accessible through Bus, Train and Tramlines to these destinations.

For more information regarding public transport, please contact Adelaide Metro on the following details:
Ph: 1300 311 108
Toll free: 1800 182 160
Lines are open 7am to 8pm, daily

Venue Access Audio Guide

Click here for audio instructions on accessing the Adelaide Festival Centre :

>>King William Street access drop off point

>>Access from Festival Drive

>>Access from the Adelaide Train Station

Venue Access Visual Guide for the Adelaide Festival Centre

This guide is designed to assist you in planning your trip to our venues. It provides images and descriptions of the different access points for our performances in the Dunstan Playhouse and Space Theatre.

Please click through the images below or you can download a pdf of the guide here.

There are four ways to access the venue, depending on where you are coming from and how you are arriving. Click through the links below for a visual guide on how to access the venue, information about inside the venue and also leaving the venue.

  • The first way is via King William Street, using the horseshoe drop off point. You will see a large ADELAIDE FESTIVAL CENTRE sign which will tell you that you are in the right place. This is best for you if you are being dropped off in a vehicle.

    This sign will indicate where you need to go.

    You will then travel along the Walk of Fame path

    This path is a ramp, and is relatively flat and smooth, with a slight decline. It will take you past the entrance of the Festival Theatre.

    There are many signs along the path that will assist you in finding your way. You will come to a large red ‘festivals’ sign. Keep following the path around, soon you will find the eastern entrance of the Dunstan Playhouse foyer. This door is usually not open, so continue around the side of the building to find the main entrance doors.

  • To access the Dunstan Playhouse from North Terrace, patrons can use the lift or stairs near the Adelaide Convention Centre or the temporary stairs from the Intercontinental Hotel rose garden area.

    People with mobility issues are advised to see other access suggestions below.

  • The second way to access the venue is via the Adelaide Railway Station on North Terrace.

    This is best for you if you are arriving via train, tram, or from North Terrace. From street level, there is a lift to take you downstairs. This is quite hidden, but there are signs overhead that will assist you in locating the lift.

    If stairs or escalators are not a problem for you, access is available via the main sliding glass doors.

    There is also a ramp entrance to the Railway Station.

    Walk through the station and enter the new connecting tunnel – walk on through past the SkyCity entrance.

    Continue to travel straight through this walkway. The walkway is flat and smooth.

    The Dunstan Playhouse plaza is just on the other side of the tunnel.


  • The third way to access the venue is via Festival Drive, which is off Montefiore Road.

    Festival Drive is adjacent to the nearby Adelaide Convention Centre. This is best for you if you are being dropped off in a vehicle, or if you require the nearest possible paid car park.

    Festival Drive is a no through road and is a two-way street.

    When you travel down Festival Drive, you will see the entrance to the Riverbank Carpark to your right. There are lifts in this car park which will allow you to access the plaza easily.

    The red circle indicates the entry to the cark park.

    Keep travelling down Festival Drive and to your left, you will find a drop off point, with two Accessible parking spaces available, indicated in the image below.

    Parking spaces

    Drop off point. There is a lift here that will take you upstairs to the plaza.

    When inside the lift, simply press the button marked ‘1’ (there is only one button) and you will find yourself facing the Dunstan Playhouse foyer.

  • The fourth and final way to access the venue is via the Footbridge, which is off War Memorial Drive, adjacent to Adelaide Oval.

    The footbridge is flat and smooth, and will lead you directly to the plaza outside the Dunstan Playhouse and Space Theatre foyer.

    This is best for you if you are being dropped off, or are parking your car near the oval.

  • The foyer is a glass corridor. You will see the black tinted glass along the side of the building.

    The main entrance doors are on the front side of the building, facing the river.

    Here are the main entrance doors, which are indicated with green signage saying ENTRANCE. There is usually a security guard standing here.

    The signage will also indicate you are at the correct entrance. There are two sets of automatic double doors.

    The foyer of the Dunstan Playhouse is long and narrow, with carpeted flooring.

    This is the box office, which is located to the right of the main entrance. This is where you can pick up and purchase tickets, check coats and bags, borrow hearing assistance packs and ask for assistance should you need any.

    Also to the right of the main entrance, there are toilets.

    Male and accessible toilets are here next to door 1.

    Female toilets are underneath the stairwell.

    There are four doors (1, 2, 3, and 4), and your ticket will indicate which door you need to use to find your seat.

    Door one is adjacent the box office and the subsequent doors follow in order, from right to left around the foyer.

    There are two lifts that are used for patrons who have booked for the balcony, or accessible seating.

    Lift 2a is between doors 1 and 2.

    Lift 3a is between doors 3 and 4.

    Ushers can assist you in finding which lift you need to use.

    Opposite door four, on the eastern side of the foyer, is the bar. Here you can purchase refreshments. Drinks can be taken into the theatre, but they must be in a plastic cup. The bar staff can assist you with this.

    Opposite the bar, there are more toilets.

    Male and accessible toilets are next to door 4

    Female toilets are on the other side of the stairwell.

    Inside the foyer, there are lots of chairs and tables for you to sit, have a drink, and wait to be seated in the theatre, or relax at interval (if there is one).

    There will be a loud bell and an announcement indicating that it is time to take your seat in the theatre. You will also see that the ushers will open the theatre doors.

  • The stalls and balcony of the playhouse are accessed via stairs, and there are stairs to take you down into the stalls seating.

    This is a view of the seating from the stage – you can see the stairs as access to the stalls seating.

    There are smaller balconies, indicated by red circles, which are great for those who need accessible seating, and are accessed via the lifts. Let us know when you’re booking your tickets if you require this kind of seating.

  • The space theatre is accessed via the Dunstan Playhouse foyer. It is on the eastern side, to the left of the main entrance doors.

    There are stairs or a ramp available to the theatre door.

    This is the door into the theatre.

    Tickets to our shows here are general admission, which means you can choose where you would like to sit.

    The seating in the Space is able to be moved around, and is sometimes in a different configuration to what you might be used to. The majority of the seating in the Space Theatre is accessed via stairs, regardless of how the seating is arranged. For our shows, it is usually arranged like this, with the stage at the bottom left hand corner of the image below:

    Accessible seating is available on the top level of the seating. There are no steps or ramps to access this. Let us know when you are booking if you need assistance in finding a seat that suits your needs.

  • After the show is over, you can exit using the main doors again, and follow your preferred route away from the venue.

  • In 2024 we will be presenting Candide at Her Majesty’s Theatre. Her Majety’s Theatre was recently refurbished and combines modern architecture, whilst still maintaining the integrity of the original heritage design; the gorgeous proscenium theatre, seats close to 1500 people across three levels.

    The building has also been designed to allow for greater patron accessibility, bars and amenities on every level, plus stunning views of the Adelaide Hills and city surrounds from the upper levels.

    Her Majesty’s Theatre has designated wheelchair seating.  Lifts located in the foyer near the information desk with access to all levels.

    Accessibility information can be found by visiting the Adelaide Festival Centre website here.

    > Click here for directions to the theatre



  • The Odeon Theatre is located at 57a Queen Street Norwood, South Australia 5067

    Please note, do not get confused with the Odeon at Semaphore. The theatre is located just off of The Parade in Norwood.

    Getting to the Venue

    Bus Stop 10, The Parade Northside
    Bus Stop 10, The Parade Southside

    For more information on public transport services, call Adelaide Metro on 1300 311 108, or download the metroMATE app, or visit www.adelaidemetro.com.au.

    Car parking

    There is limited parking nearby, however some street parking can be found at various times. We recommend public transport or taxi/uber.